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Kuprinė vaikui – svarbus kasdieninis atributas, kurio pasirinkimas gali turėti įtakos jo sveikatai ir komfortui. Netinkamai parinkta kuprinė gali sukelti nugaros skausmus, diskomfortą, netgi laikysenos problemas. Todėl svarbu rinktis ergonomiškas, patogias, funkcionalias ir kokybiškas kuprines, kurios užtikrintų tinkamą svorio paskirstymą ir būtų pritaikytos vaiko poreikiams. Šiame įraše dalinamės ir mamos rekomendacijomis, į ką reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį: siūlo platų vaikiškų kuprinių asortimentą, kuris padės išspręsti šią problemą. Žemiau aptarsime svarbiausius kriterijus, į kuriuos Snapė Lapė rekomenduoja atkreipti dėmesį renkantis kuprinę, ir išsamiau pažvelgsime į populiariausius siūlomus modelius. Patogumas ir ergonomika Vienas svarbiausių dalykų renkantis kuprinę – jos patogumas ir ergonomiškas...

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Our family is currently on vacation⛱. We contributed a full suitcase 🧳 of various things and guess what - do we use everything? So of course not. Because when traveling with children, you need to be ready for everything 😁. A first aid kit for all diseases, clothes for all seasons, etc. Well, mothers (and fathers?!) will understand 😅 . While everything is 'on the wave', I hasten to share the very best 💯 'tricks' that have been working for a few days now. So, settle in and go. ⚜️ Sunglasses Necessary. With such a sun, it is necessary to...

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Sunglasses - a style item or eye protector? Is it only for adults? And maybe for the little ones? Read!

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It is simple for Santa Claus with older children - they express their dreams and desires in a letter. All you have to do is send the dwarves to deliver the important mail unnoticed. And what to make the youngest happy - children who are not yet 1 years old, who cannot speak and therefore often cannot even dictate a letter? Today's selection of gifts is so wide, but when choosing gifts for the little ones, Snapė would suggest paying attention to quality, practicality and durability. It is better to give a smaller item, but made of safe, natural materials....

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Boo 👻 A spooky night is coming 🌒 , where children (and adults) dressed in special costumes go from door to door saying special words: ' Trick or treat '! 🕷 The inside of the house and the yard are decorated with the most terrible creatures: skeletons, vampires, etc., others "wrap themselves" in spider webs 🕸, often they carve out a pumpkin 🎃 and make a lamp out of it. This holiday is celebrated in October. 31st, is from the USA and is called HALLOWEEN [eng. Halloween]. It is not very popular in Lithuania, but there are people who prepare,...

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